Satellite Vu becomes a supporter of the Terra Carta - Sustainable Markets Initiative

September 21, 2022

What is the Terra Carta?

Launched by HRH King Charles III at the One Planet Summit on 11th January 2021, the Terra Carta provides a roadmap for acceleration towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, innovation and resources of the private sector.

The Terra Carta serves as the guiding mandate for the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI). The Terra Carta’s Ten Articles outline ten areas for action and Satellite Vu are particularly aligned with Article 5 Game Changers and Barriers (pg. 10) “Examples of game-changing sustainable innovations and investments to be explored include areas such as: xii. Natural Capital resource monitoring, including by satellite”.

Core aims of the Terra Carta

Satellite Vu intends to meaningfully contribute to the 6 core aims of the Terra Carta mandate:

i. Global Alignment:

Furthering, and where possible exceeding, the goals and targets outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

“Satellite Vu aims to build data products that are complementary to the process of measuring formal goals and targets set out by leading climate and geopolitical institutions and coalitions.”

ii. Broadening Sustainability:

Broadening the definition of sustainability, beyond simply net zero transition, to be inclusive of Nature, People, Planet, Equality and Prosperity.

“Satellite Vu supports the broad definition of sustainability. Through our high-resolution thermal imagery, we can observe detailed patterns of change and through our pending constellation we can add scale. Both of which are required to appreciate the complexity of Nature, People and Planet.”

iii. 30% by 2030 and 50% by 2050:

Supporting the protection and restoration of a minimum of 30% of biodiversity, on land and below water, by 2030 and 50% by 2050.

“Satellite Vu aims to map and monitor critical urban and natural ecosystems across the globe. The spatio-temporal quality of both our land-use and water-body products provides an independent gauge on progress made in terms of protection and restoration.”

iv. Consistent Accounting:

Making global investment and financial flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions, climate-resilient development and Natural Capital/biodiversity restoration (on land and below water).

“Satellite Vu aims to provide a suite of unique ESG-aligned products that will translate physical and transitional risks into a tangible monetary basis. Transforming the decision-making capacity of investors over the short-term and long-term is crucial to achieving Aim (i): Global Alignment.”

v. Market-agnostic Coordination:

Encouraging coordination, cooperation and cohesion within corporate and public-private-philanthropic domains.

“Satellite Vu aims to be the ‘World’s Thermometer from Space’ thereby setting a new and inclusive standard for thermal data. We believe our products will deliver value across markets and domains.”

vi. Drivers of Change:

Leveraging consumer and shareholder demand to drive sustainable transition and investment within the private sector.

“Satellite Vu aims to lead by example through the provision of data services that simultaneously educate and empower drivers of change. Both bottom-up and top-down solutions are required to abate the adverse effects of anthropogenic-induced climate change.”

The Role of Satellite Vu:

As early members of the SMI Terra Carta mandate, we help represent the growing Earth Observation contingent, deploying valuable ESG-aligned data and analytics. Through this commitment, we have adopted a comprehensive and objective guide from which we wish to embolden both our stakeholders and peers. Satellite Vu hope to accelerate the attainment of the 6 core aims listed above.

We are proud to support the #TerraCarta of HRH King Charles III’s Sustainable Markets Initiative. The Terra Carta provides a roadmap to 2030 for businesses to move towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, innovation and resources of the private sector. The global business proposition outlines Ten Articles and comprises of nearly 100 actions for business as the basis of a recovery plan that puts Nature, People and Planet at the heart of global value creation.

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